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FEB 2023

Pen & Mug

5 Tips to Choose the Perfect Web Design Agency

A well-crafted website is one of the most important investments you can make as a business owner or marketing leader.

There are soooo many different ways to connect and engage with your audience online, but whether they respond best to data-packed white papers, viral TikTok dances or something in between, all marketing “roads” lead back to the same place – your website.

How do you choose the perfect partner to create something so important? Nobody knows your business better than you do, but designing and building a cutting-edge website is probably not your strong suit. To be successful, you need a collaborative partner with a keen sense of how to communicate effectively – a partner who can weave your vision and their expertise together into the perfect finished product.

Here’s a short list of 5 factors to consider when searching for the right web design company.

1. Understand Your Website’s Requirements

Your website is the only real estate on the “World Wide Web” that you can truly own. It’s a blank canvas, a space of infinite possibility with no character count limit, no “choose from these pre-made options”, no forcing your message into a predetermined structure. The right agency partner can make your website anything you need it to be.

Start by determining the scope of your business needs. (A successful website is more than just a beautiful design, after all!) List your website goals, such as booking more meetings, selling more tickets or getting more content views. Identifying these priorities is an important first step, and will help you find a web design company with experience creating similar solutions for businesses like yours.

2. Know Your Budget and Timeline

Make sure you know the time and the dollars you have to work with before approaching a web design agency about your project. Website scopes can vary greatly, so many agencies don’t publish pricing on their sites. It's best to reach out and discuss your vision and goals to get an idea of the overall project scope and cost.

Our team typically approaches these conversation more like a real estate agent, rather than a negotiation. We have a variety of solutions available for different budget ranges, so understanding your budget is less about "if" we work together and more about determining the best solution for your needs.

3. Ask For Portfolios and Links

The web design agency you choose will play a big role in your company's future, so it's important to select a team that is well established, experienced, and trustworthy. Look thoroughly at their past work to make sure they have experience in your industry and work samples that match the vibe you are going for.

Finding a web design agency that can also provide services like graphic design, illustration and animation is a valuable bonus. Your web design partner will learn your business well, and a unified team that can create custom graphics, select compelling images and ensure fluid functionality is a team that can take your website to the next level and support your business in other ways.

Most importantly, don’t just trust screenshots of past work. Ask potential partners for links so you can experience their work for yourself to get a better sense of the quality they deliver.

4. Check Testimonials and Reviews

A well-established design agency should have reviews and testimonials from previous clients. This is a great way to learn about the type of client experience an agency offers and consider whether it aligns with your priorities.

Watch out for fake reviews or those that don't feel natural. Third-party websites like Clutch offer verified client ratings and detailed, case-study style reviews so you can hear about an agency directly from their past clients, rather than from the agency themselves.

5. Talk Face to Face

If you’re feeling good about steps 1-4, there’s no better way to get to know a business than by getting in touch with them over a coffee or a video call!

Pay attention to how they handle your first call. A good design agency will dedicate time to fully understanding your vision instead of immediately launching into a hard sell. This shows that they communicate well and are committed to learning about your specific vision and goals instead of offering cookie-cutter solutions.

If an agency confuses you with vague or complicated answers, consider finding another partner. Your website is a vital component of your business, and the team you choose to build it is often contracted to continue managing/updating the site for months and years to come. Pick a partner who makes your life easier, not harder.

Happy Hunting!

When searching for the perfect web design agency, take the time to find a proven, reliable partner who can offer you the client experience and quality of work you and your business deserve. If you think that sounds like us, we’d love to connect!

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