loading animation, pen stirring a mug

JULY 2020

Pen & Mug

Adobe CC +
Skillshare giveaway

This month, we are teaming up with Corner to Corner (one of the coolest non-profit organizations around) to give four minority artists in the Nashville area each a 12-month Adobe CC license and a 12-month membership to Skillshare.

Why? Because we are determined to be a positive force in our community. People value jobs with high flexibility more than ever, and we believe that our city and our nation will benefit from more minority storytellers, creators, business owners and leaders.

Because the folks ahead of us have given and taught us so much, and we're excited to pay it forward and live up to "Serve. Grow. Share."

Because bad design gives us heartburn. We want to live in a city full of brands that are thoughtfully crafted, good-looking and clear in communication, and we need more talented designers to join the cause.

If you or someone you know is interested in this giveaway, click here to learn more and apply.

This application will be open for two weeks, from July 24 - August 7, 2020.

Pen & Mug

Pen (& Mug) Pals?