Building Brands That Break Through.

We’re Pen & Mug, a caffeine-fueled creative studio that believes great service is just as important as great results.

Fan Mail: In-N-Out Burger

In-N-Out Burger is an American fast food restaurant chain that you’ve probably heard of before, even if you’re not from the Southwest / Pacific coast regions they call home. In-N-Out has a uniquely devoted fan base (myself included), and is beloved even amongst celebrities and the culinary elite. For example:

Anthony freakin’ Bourdain! I’ve also found glowing endorsements from other celebrity chefs like Chrissy Teigen, Gordon Ramsey, Thomas Keller, Guy Fieri, and more.

Does In-N-Out make a crazy-delicious cheeseburger? They do, absolutely. BUT, I’d argue that there’s also something beyond taste at work here.

One of my favorite things about In-N-Out is the simplicity of their menu. Your entree options include: cheeseburger, double-cheeseburger, or hamburger. You can do a lot to customize those options to your liking, but there’s no tacos, no chicken tenders… just burgers, complimented by french fries, soft drinks and milkshakes. And that’s it.

Most restaurants have a signature item or two, but almost all offer a long list of other options as well. Most of those other options will not be as tasty as their signature dish, and the longer the list gets the more customers can feel overwhelmed. But they do what they can to make everyone happy.

In-N-Out changes this, and boldly cooks ONLY their specialty item. This will turn away some people who are not into burgers, but it makes those who are into burgers love and appreciate In-N-Out even more for their specific focus and mastery. The simplicity of their offerings also streamlines the entire experience, from customer decision-making to the efficiency of the cooks at the grill. If you don’t want a burger today, we’re not the place for you. If you do, you know what we’ll be cooking, and you know where to find us.

My point is… there’s strength in simplicity.

This way of thinking is common to see in fast-casual dining: from national brands like In-N-Out & Raising Cane’s to local coffee shops, food trucks and hole-in-the-wall sandwich shops. They are known for doing just one or two things, and doing them REALLY well. The same philosophy can empower other businesses as well… for example, as a creative studio that focuses on a few key specialties, instead of claiming to be a “one stop shop” for all things digital marketing, advertising, content creating, and more.

Another way I’ve heard this idea described: “the riches are in the niches”.

To close this one out, I want to share the rest of that Anthony Bourdain quote I found…

THAT is the dream right there.

– Austin

(The opinions expressed in this letter are Austin’s and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of everyone else associated with Pen & Mug, although Austin clearly has excellent taste.)

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