We Build Brands That Break Through.

We’re Pen & Mug, a caffeine-fueled creative studio that believes great service is just as important as great results.

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Our Process

(as described by coffee)


1. Bean

The starting point of your project: the challenge that needs solving.

We kick things off with a discovery phase. No matter where you are with your business – just getting it off the ground, or well on your way towards building an empire – we'll start with a strategy session to discuss your goals, vision, and measures of success.


2. Grind

We begin by sketching, brainstorming, experimenting, hypothesizing, researching, creating mockups, designing prototypes, taking long walks... all to generate a wide array of new ideas and potential solutions and ultimately land on a vision that you love.


3. Brew

With a vision nailed down, it's time for us to get cookin' and actually make the thing. This is the point where we turn concepts into finished products and ideas into tangible realities.

We create your solutions like an expert barista making your favorite drink – with care, attention to every detail.


4. Serve

We fine-tune to taste and double-check the details to make sure our completed product is everything you (and your customers) could possibly want.

Then it’s time share your finished product with the world, hot and fresh!

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